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What is a phytocannabinoid?

Today we’ll focus on a specific class of cannabinoids known as phytocannabinoids. Phytocannabinoids are produced naturally in plants and are what you get when you smoke, dab, eat, or in all other ways consume cannibis. CBD is a phytocannabinoid.

Other classifications of cannabinoids include endocannabinoids (produced in your body), and synthetic cannabinoids (manufactured in a lab). The cannabinoids that your body produce naturally are primarily responsible for keeping your body in homeostasis or equilibrium, a state of physical balance such as temperature. But temperature isn’t the only system kept in homeostasis. You’ve got O2/CO2 (oxygen/carbon dioxide) levels, nutrition and waste, fluid balance, sleep, mood, pain, appetite, hormone, and immune response and much more. And what governs this equilibrium — this homeostasis, this natural cannabinoid production? The endocannabinoid system. 1

Your body produces just enough endocannabinoids to keep the system running smoothly, which plays a crucial role in regulating our physiology, mood, and everyday experience. It’s only when you flood your system with phytocannabinoids from the cannabis plant that you feel any different. So, really, your body’s cannabinoid system (of which endocannabinoids are a part) is the reason why we’re able to get high or feel relief from a CBD medication in the first place. Without it, the cannabis plant would just be another green, leafy vegetable like spinach — just good enough for a salad.1 CBD works with the body through the endocannabinoid system. 5

The discovery of receptors in the brain that respond pharmacologically to cannabis; and the subsequent identification of endogenous cannabinoid compounds in our own bodies that bind to these receptors has significantly advanced our understanding of human biology, health, and disease.

Extensive preclinical research—much of it sponsored by the U.S. government—indicates that CBD has potent anti-tumoral, antioxidant, anti-spasmodic, anti-psychotic, anti-convulsive, and neuroprotective properties. CBD directly activates serotonin receptors, causing an anti-anxiety effect, as well. 2

Cannabinoid receptors in the brain (the same receptors triggered by THC and other phytocannabinoids), generally affects either the central or peripheral nervous systems. In the central nervous system, the CBD compound mainly interacts with CB1 receptors; in the peripheral nervous system, it tends to interact with CB2 receptors. 3

But recent work has provided evidence that the endocannabinoid system—a family of endogenous ligands(binding molecules), receptors, and enzymes—isn’t exclusive to the brain. It is present everywhere in the body that scientists have looked: the heart, liver, pancreas, skin, reproductive tract, you name it. And disrupted endocannabinoid signaling has been associated with many disorders, including diabetes, hypertension, infertility, liver disease, and more. “There is so much that’s still unknown about this system. It looks to be regulating every physiological system in the body,” says Nick DiPatrizio, Neuropharmacologist.

CBD helps to stimulate your body’s natural cannabinoid production to maintain the efficiency of the receptors and optimal function of the endocannabinoid system. But CBD does more than just affect cannabinoid receptors. It impacts many other receptors too. It has been shown to affect dopamine and serotonin receptors as well. Dopamine helps regulate aspects of cognition and behavior, i.e. motivation and reward seeking while, Serotonin receptors deal with problems such as anxiety. 5

So it seems so much can be achieved with a dose of CBD. Currently, we are selling Dragonfly Products out of Colorado. Feel free to stop by or schedule an appointment so I can assist you in finding the right strength and dosage for your personal needs.





CBD works within the brain with receptors.

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