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Jikiden Reiki in Elizabethton, TN

I will be offering treatments at 1000 G Street, Elizabethton, TN by appointment only.

Use the following link to contact me.


Sue Bonito is a Reiki Teacher/Practitioner of the Usui System of Natural Healing. In 1999, she studied under Reiki Master Ginny Mackles, whose lineage is linked to Hawayo Takata. 


Sue received her Jikiden Reiki Level I Shoden and Jikiden Reiki Level 2 Okuden Training with Frank Arjava Petter in May 2014. She nows practices Jikiden Reiki at REJUVENATE Sanctuary.  March 2016, Sue received her Shihan Kaku, Assistant Teacher certification and is now teaching Jikiden Reiki First Level Shoden at REJUVENATE Sanctuary.

What is Reiki?

Rei (Pronounced RAY) Ki (Pronounced KEY) 

The words together traditionally mean Universal Life Force Energy.


Reiki works to improve both physical and psychological aspects of health. Reiki treatments affect the body by promoting restoration, balance and reactivate the body’s natural ability to assist in recovery from any illness. Reiki will also encourage a deep state of relaxation, which assists to reduce stress and anxiety. Reiki is known for its stress reduction which can lead to a decrease of pain and discomfort. Reiki is a flow of energy, energy we already possess as human beings, nothing is added, nothing is removed.

Jikiden Reiki History: 

Reiki was founded and developed in Japan by Mr. Mikao Usui (1865-1926). Jikiden Reiki was passed down within Japan to Chiyoko Yamaguchi from Dr. Hayashi’s (1878-1940) lineage who then taught her son Tadao Yamaguchi. Jikiden means traditional, so therefore, it is as close a practice as Mikao Usui had intended for use. In 2001, Chiyoko and Tadao had made a decision to bring Jikiden Reiki out of Japan and into the world. Tadao said his mom, Chiyoko, was wise and lived her life with integrity and grace. Not as a saint, but possessing humility. She was always serving and always empowering others. She is quoted by Frank Arjava Petter as saying, “We are here to empower our students and clients”


What does a Reiki Treatment Involve?

The Reiki Client rests fully clothed in a quiet environment. The practitioner hands are placed slightly above, different points of the client’s body and Reiki energy flows to where it is needed. The client is drawing the energy as needed, a practitioner is never sending any energy.  A Reiki treatment is recommended for an hour, but shorter Reiki treatments of at least 20 minutes are also extremely beneficial.


Why would I like a Reiki Treatment?

A Reiki treatment can act to reduce the side effects from conventional medical treatments and can help to reduce physical and emotional pain. Many clients notice that Reiki therapy helps them feel more relaxed and less anxious while undergoing treatments for any chronic illnesses. Chiyoko referred to Reiki as "compassion in action," per Frank Arjava Petter.

What will I feel during a Reiki Treatment?

Reiki is self-balancing within the body and adjusts to meet the needs of each individual. Therefore, sensations vary with each person. Some people report a feeling of warmth or heat, tingling, coolness, waves of energy or a floating sensation. Some people don’t notice anything unusual, but, report a decrease in the symptoms that were bothering them before their treatment. Almost everyone feels deeply relaxed and revitalized.While the experience of Reiki treatment is individual, it is often accompanied by a deep feeling of warmth, well-being, comfort, relaxation, and revitalization. Our body uses the extra energy of Reiki to help repair its self quicker than it could otherwise. Some people report experiencing other benefits including pain relief during the treatment.

 * excerpts from:

How does a Reiki fit with my medical treatment?

Reiki supports and amplifies both conventional alopathic and Asian medical and non-medical treatments, as well as homeopathic and naturopathic therapies. For some people 1-3 treatments are enough to help them recover from a problem and for others or for chronic or very serious problems a longer course of treatments is recommended. While definite benefit can be gained  from just a single treatment, to get the best results from Reiki, regular sessions are important.

Reiki therapy is not a substitute for medical treatment. Reiki is being used in hospitals across North America and Europe to promote relaxation and to help restore a sense of well being, regardless of the state of health.  


The National Center for Complementary and Integrative Health Lists a few hospitals that use Reiki. For more visit this website:

Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center in New York

MetroHealth System, located in Northeast Ohio

Portsmouth Regional Hospital 


Reiki Sessions:

1 hour

1/2 hour

I have added a comprehensive Reiki Intensive Treatment per my NEW information at the International Conference 10/2019.


  • This Reiki Intensive Therapy package will follow in the tradition of Chiyoko Sensei.

  • The Reiki Intensive Therapy will cover 1 month of sessions daily.

  • Each session will last as long as time allows.

  • There will be one rate for the entire month. Which will be applied monthly and not per session.

  • This is so YOU the client can get the best value and treatment for your illness or condition.



Jikiden Reiki Level I Shoden Training: Saturday, Date: TBA; 1-5 and Sunday Date: TBA; 10-5.

Email me at for information and TO READ MORE

The word "Jikiden" means directly handed down" in Japanese. Jikiden Reiki Shoden seminars give you all you need to know in order to treat yourself and others with Jikiden Reiki. 


Reiki is a simple form of energy healing from Japan known as “Shin shin Kaizen Usui Reiki Ryoho” which translates as “Usui treatment for the improvement of body and mind.”  


Jikiden Reiki is about the teaching and traditional practice of a simple, effective and original form of Usui Reiki taught by Dr. Chujiro Hayashi. Dr. Hayashi learned Reiki and the Reiki Gokai or precepts directly from Mikao Usui the founder of Reiki and was one of his 22 Reiki teachers or shihans.


Course Objectives:


  • The history of Reiki - Usui Sensei's life 

  • The history of Jikiden Reiki - the Yamaguchi family 

  • The objectives of Jikiden Reiki 

  • The five Reiki Principles in Japanese 

  • Jikiden Reiki practices successful with chronic illness

  • A proven approach that is safe and effective

  • A very simple, non-religious therapeutic modality

  • Concepts and methods not previously taught in the west

  • A Japanese certificate from Kyoto, Japan


Reiki in the Workplace:

Reiki is a wonderful treatment that can be performed in the workplace. It can be conducted right at a person’s desk as a session simply requires a room with a chair. If the person would like a more personal experience a conference or lunch room off hours is also an ideal site for sessions.


Reiki at the workplace can be offered weekly, on a rotating schedule or at your scheduling convenience depending on the number of employees to be serviced at each treatment day. Companies can offer a variety of ways of offering such a restoration health component at the workplace. GIve us a call or email us to discuss options for your company.

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