Healing with Celluma™!
As many of you know I hike every Sunday….
Well on 7/28/19 as I was descending a trail, I am familiar with, I was crossing a small creek when suddenly the stone I stepped rotated and over I went. So why do I take the time to tell my tale. When I fell I severely twisted my right knee and bruised my right elbow. Also, there was a deep contusion on my knee cap
So while on the trail I had a small day pack with limited supplies. So I improvised Sassafrass is antiseptic and anti-inflammatory, so that became my go to plant for the moment to get me off the mountain.
Once I got home I cleaned the wounds.
I used the Celluma™ on the Aches and Pains setting for 30 minutes over the knee to get the soreness removed. Then I used the Celluma™ on the Skin Healing setting for the contusion. I used Reiki personally immediately, also and one of my students stopped by the house and gave me Reiki.
Orally I started Arnica 30C and CBD 500 mg immediately when I got home. Continually taking them every 4 hours for inflammation and pain. Basically I slept until Monday morning, but the pain was waking me up so the cycle for homeopathic was never interrupted.
Monday I did the Celluma™ for an hour again on both settings, along with Reiki. The CBD I moved to every 12 hours and the Arnica I stayed at every 4 hours. I also visited my Chiropractor Dr. O’Neill. He couldn’t believe how twisted my body was! My contusion looked like it was 5 days old at this point.
Tuesday I went back to work. I stopped at Next Level Physical Therapy (I’ve added them to the SpaPartner Section, be sure to visit the website) and had my knee taped with Kineso Tape! That Dr. asked me if this happened a week ago. When I said Sunday he was shocked at how healed it was. I then told him my formula for healing success. Today is Thursday as I write this. I have great movement of the knee. The swelling is mostly gone and in a few more days this knee sprain will be but a memory. Thank goodness.