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Waxing is for everybody!

With the heat of the last week you must be thinking about exposing more of your arms and legs!

How do you determine if waxing is for you?

Some commonly asked questions to help with your choice: Are you always on the go? Do you want a no-fuss personal hygiene routine? How fast does your hair grow in?

Waxing is a personal topic. There are those that have fast and heavy hair growth. Waxing may not satisfy your needs as it would have to be done more frequently.

Personally, I love the no-fuss of waxing. I have been waxing my legs and underarms for years! Even before I became an Esthetician. Certainly, when I am camping the freedom of each day is a beautiful thing!

There are multiple benefits with waxing versus shaving. Here are some of the most commonly reported. Your look will be smooth for at least 2-3 weeks depending on your growth, no more stubble. Shaving only lasts a few days to a week as it is only removing hair on the skin surface. There are no razor bumps or razor scars to contend with, much less of an ingrown hair problem and less irritation from waxing than shaving!

We use 3 types of soft wax and 1 type of hard wax depending on your personal needs and hair growth. There is no right or wrong wax. It is customizable just like a facial to your personal hair type.

Yes, there are many stories on the web regarding experiences and how painful this process is, but it is the Trained Professional that takes all the pain and guesswork out of the process. So feel at ease, I have been licensed for 14 years and very qualified to meet your waxing needs.

Give me a call or respond to this email to set up your waxing consultation. (201) 666-2600

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