Taking control of our skin is easier than we think!

As we age, our skin cells do not shed as frequently and easily as they did in our youth. As skin cells build up on the outermost layer of the skin, these dead skin cells mix with our oil production and debris from the outside environment. As a result, our pores clog and blemishes are formed. Our first reaction is to “dry out” the skin and treat it with harsh, synthetic ointments, thinking this will help our blemishes go away, just like “blemish treatments” are advertised to do.
What we need to understand is by using simple skin care steps at home, we can eliminate dry skin and acne. A routine that includes cleansing twice daily, exfoliating once to twice a week and simple treatment gels/serums will result in improvement. Products that include nutrients such as amino-acids, antioxidants, minerals and vitamins all contain oxygen which staves off bacteria, thus preventing the growth of bacteria in the pores. Finishing our routine with a nutritive moisturizer helps keep a strong barrier function of the skin. As a result our complexion is healthy, hydrated and blemish free. We are what we feed our skin.
Give us a call to schedule a consultation to fine tune your skin care ritual.